Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Like Attracts Like

We have explored the concepts that everything is energy and that all energy vibrates at certain frequencies. Our next discussion is the concept "like attracts like". Simply put, you have attracted to you everything in your life- your relationships, your health, your level of wealth-everything. Now, some of you are thinking, "Hold on, I didn't ask to be laid off!" or "I didn't ask for my husband to cheat on me." Now, I agree that nobody "asks" for those kinds of things to happen. But the truth is, the energy that you create with your thoughts, emotions, and actions is sent out into the Universe and answered in kind. The Universe (or God or Spirit or whatever you choose to call your Ultimate Power) matches exactly the energy that you send out. An analogy that I like is that the Universe is like a genie "Your wish is my command".
The energy that you send out dictates just what your "wish" is.

Some people interpret the Law of Attraction as being a giant magnet that they can use to attract anything they want-and their right, sort of. I believe that a more accurate description of how the Law of Attraction works is that you attract what you are. Dr. Wayne Dyer has often noted, "You don't attract what you want, you attract what you are." Another author I like, James Arthur Ray, states in his book Harmonic Wealth, "If you want more, you must become more." The Law of Attraction isn't like some Cosmic Santa Claus that brings you whatever you ask for. Instead, it responds to the energy that you put out around the things you ask for. So, if you want more money or a better relationship or better health, you must constantly try to improve the energy that surrounds those desires because that's what the Universe responds to- energy. If the energy you create around a desire is positive, the Universe will respond in a positive way. If the energy you create is negative, then you can bet that the Universe will respond negatively.

The great news is that there are steps you can take to improve the energy that you send out. We'll talk about those steps in future posts. Until next time, make the effort to determine what kind of energy your putting out. Look at situations in your life that have gone exceedingly well or exceedingly badly. Think, "What kind of energy did my thoughts, emotions, and actions put out in this situation." The more you improve your energy, the more likely you are to have All You Desire.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good Vibrations

Last time we we talked about the concept "everything is energy". This leads us naturally into our next topic. You also need to understand that all energy vibrates at certain frequencies. As humans, we perceive things based on the frequency at which they vibrate. For example, physical objects (chairs, cars, people) vibrate in a specific range of frequencies and we are able to detect them with our five senses. Things that vibrate at higher frequencies (thoughts, dreams, some sounds) are undetectable by the human senses. Remember the dog whistles that used to be popular? You could blow as hard as you wanted and you could never hear the sound because it existed at a frequency beyond human perception. But, you knew it made a sound because it would drive your dog crazy. Similarly, thoughts vibrate at a very high frequency and are therefore undetectable to human senses. But, it's a fact that thoughts exist.

Now, some people are uncomfortable with the term vibrate. It conjures up images of surfer dudes saying "bad vibes, man". Let's put that to rest. In fact, the idea that all energy vibrates at a certain frequency is actually one of the most scientifically accurate aspects of the Law of Attraction--based in sound research in the area of Quantum Physics. So let's take the "airy-fairy" aspect out of the term vibration and put the term back where it belongs--grounded in science.

So, let's tie our first two concepts together. You are energy and you vibrate at a certain frequency. Next time we'll explore the ideas that certain frequencies attract certain things and how to change your frequency to attract what you really want in your life- be it money, a new relationship, or better health. As we tie more and more of these concepts together and you start implementing them into you life, you'll begin to realize you really can have All You Desire.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You Are Energy

The concept that everything is energy is the most important concept in understanding how the principles of the Law of Attraction work. Modern science has uncovered mounds of evidence in support of this concept. Everything- you, me, a house, a tree (even your thoughts) are 99.9999 percent energy. This concept is grounded in Quantum Physics-the study of the particles and waves that make up atoms. Now, before you fall asleep at your desk, we're not going to go into any depth on the subject of Quantum Physics. The intricacies of the subject are beyond all but the most intelligent, trained minds (including mine!). We don't need to know all the ins and outs of Quantum Physics. We only need to know that it works. After all, most of us have no real understanding of how a microwave oven works, nor do we care. We just want to make popcorn!

You can look at anything in the world and break it down to its essence--energy. I know this concept can be hard to wrap your head around. We all grew up in a world of solids, liquids and gases. But everything- a rock, a car, a mailbox- is just energy configured in a certain way. Just trust that the concept is true. That's the way the Law of Attraction works. It works regardless of your understanding of it.

OK, enough science for today. I'm sure your brain is getting a little tired. Again, we don't need a deep understanding of science to trust in a concept- we've all made popcorn before. Suffice it to say, we live in a world of energy- the essence of everything.

So, I want issue a challenge to you. Go out and try to view the world with a different perspective. Look at every person, place and thing and try to picture it in it's purest form--energy. I promise, if you'll start the process of thinking and seeing things in this new and different way, you''ll be on your way to acquiring All You Desire.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

There's been a lot of attention given recently to the Law of Attraction and the idea of manifesting what you want out of life, particularly since the release of the movie The Secret. Now, you've probably been exposed in some way to this idea of the Law of Attraction. Maybe you watched or read The Secret. Perhaps you caught part of an interview with one of the many Law of Attraction experts on TV. And maybe, you've thought "That sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind learning more about the Law of Attraction and perhaps apply these principles to my life." So, you set out to learn more and WHAM, instant information overload. You find out that the amount of information on the subject is overwhelming. Go into any bookstore and you'll most likely find shelf upon shelf of books on the topic. Turn on your TV and there's a good chance someone will be interviewing an expert on the topic. If you really want to have some fun, Google "Law of Attraction". You'll need plenty of time to peruse through those results, let me tell ya. So, where to start amongst this mass of information? The answer? Right here.

I'll bet I am a lot like you. I have a wife, kids, dogs, a job, and everything else that goes along with living here on Planet Earth. Like you, I was exposed to the Law of Attraction and was intrigued. I started to research it and trying to apply the principles to my life. There were times I was overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the information on the topic. But, I persevered. I've read dozens of books, articles, and blog posts. I've watched tons of videos and DVDs, listened to Cd's and pod casts, and participated in numerous teleseminars and webinars. And slowly, I've started to get it. Now, I'm no expert on the subject (just trying to become one) but I figured that I'm probably not the only one who was at first, a bit overwhelmed by the accumulated body of knowledge on the Law of Attraction. And I'm betting there are lots of people who would like to see the knowledge presented in a simple, easy to understand format.

So, my pledge to you is this. I'll take the knowledge I've accumulated and do my best to winnow it down to the basics. I'll present the Law of Attraction in terms that are easily understood. We'll talk about what the Law of Attraction is, and what it is not. And finally, we'll talk about how to apply the Law of Attraction to your own life. We'll have frequent tips on how to apply the Law of Attraction (and other Laws and Principles) to any aspect of your life, be it physical, mental or spiritual. And hopefully, you'll be able to take that knowledge and change your life in a powerful and positive way.

Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the journey. Take this knowledge, make it your own and soon you too can have All You Desire.
